
The CommunicationController component can be used to send data from a simulation to another using ZMQ library. To use this component you need to compile SOFA with the option SOFTROBOTS_COMMUNICATIONCONTROLLER enabled in cmake, and install the ZMQ library:

1.1- On Linux


sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev


sudo dnf install zeromq-devel

1.1- On MacOS (missing)

1.1- On Windows, download the Windows source of libzmq and build using Visual Studio. Put a copy of zmq.hpp from the cppzmq project (github) in the include folder of libzmq.

2- In the cmake gui, enable: SOFTROBOTS_COMMUNICATIONCONTROLLER = true

3- Compile SOFA

In this directory (“SoftRobots/docs/sofapython3/examples/component/controller/CommunicationController”) you will find one example showing how to use the component:

  • : Soft actuated accordion, direct problem
  • : Soft actuated accordion, inverse problem

Below is a video of the simulations running simultaneously and with a communication between them.


#For local communication
accordion.addObject('CommunicationController', name="sub", listening='1',
                                                 job="receiver", port="5558", nbDataField="4", pattern="0")
#Between two different computers, specify the ip adress of the sender
#accordion.addObject('CommunicationController', name="sub", listening='1',
                                                 job="receiver", port="5558", nbDataField="4", ip="...")

accordion.addObject('CommunicationController', listening='1', job="sender", port="5558",                                        nbDataField="4", pattern="0",

Data fields

Required Description
job If unspecified, the default value is sender.
pattern Pattern used for communication. publish/subscribe: Messages sent are distributed in a fan out fashion to all connected peers. Never blocks. request/reply: Message sent are waiting for reply. Allows only an alternating sequence of send/reply calls. Default is publish/subscribe. WARNING: the pattern should be the same for both sender and receiver to be effective.
nbDataField Number of field ‘data’ the user want to send or receive. Default value is 1.
data Data to send or receive.
port Default value 5556.
Optional Description
HWM If publisher, you can define the High Water Mark which is a hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages shall queue in memory. Default 0 (means no limit).
ip IP adress of the sender. No given adress will set up a local communication.
atBeginAnimationStep If true, will send or receive datas at begin of the animation step (if false, at end of the animation step). Default true.
beginAt Time step value to start the communication at.
timeOut Set time out (in ms) before killing the communication. Default is 3000ms, 0 means no time out.