
The “SerialPortBridgeGeneric” component is used to send data (force, displacement, pressure…) through the usb port. Usally used to send data to an Arduino card to control the real robot.


rootNode.createObject('SerialPortBridgeGeneric', name="serial", port="/dev/ttyACM0", baudRate="115200", size="5", listening=True, header=255, packetOut=...)

Data fields

Required Description
port Serial port name.
baudRate Transmission speed.
packetOut Data to send: vector of unsigned char, each entry should be an integer between 0 and (header-1) <= 255. The value of ‘header’ will be sent at the beginning of the sent data, enabling to implement a header research in the ‘receiving’ code, for synchronization purposes.
header Vector of unsigned char. Only one value is espected, two values if splitPacket = 1.
size Size of the arrow to send. Use to check sentData size. Will return a warning if sentData size does not match this value.
receive If true, will read from serial port (timeOut = 10ms).
Optional Description
precise If true, will send the data in the format [header[0],[MSB,LSB]*2*size].
splitPacket If true, will split the packet in two for lower error rate (only in precise mode), data will have the format [header[0],[MSB,LSB]*size],[header[1],[MSB,LSB]*size].
redundancy Each packet will be send that number of times (1=default).
Properties Description
packetIn Read only. Data received: vector of unsigned char, each entry should be an integer between 0 and (header-1) <= 255.